Pool Resources
Spill Emergency Response Plans (SERP): What's Required
Learn about what is required for a Spill Emergency Response Plan according to the updated Waste Discharge Requirements.
Private Property Infiltration and Inflow
Fact sheet outlining key considerations for municipal utilities establishing a framework for private property I/I (PPII) mitigation activities.
Sewer Spill Reference Guide Pamphlet
Pamphlet for resident to advise them of how the sewer system works and how they can protect themselves from sewer spills.
Updated Waste Discharge Requirements 2022
State Water Resources Control Board: Statewide Waste Discharge Requirements - General Order for Sanitary Sewer Systems.
SSO Risk Reduction Practices
Handouts from a presentation by James Fischer, P.E., State Water Resources Board Office of Enforcement Special Investigations Unit.
Sewer Backup Door Hanger
SCORE branded door hanger to use to communicate with residents.
Sewer Lateral Backwater Prevention Valves
Guide to different backwater valves including illustrations and diagrams.
Best Practices for SSO Reduction Strategies
Central Valley Clean Water Association and Bay Area Clean Water Agencies Report